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Showing posts from 2017

Life At Twenties

Normally, people are continuously running in the day to day activities. Life has become a competitive race. Those who reach the finish line first, he is at the very front at his competition. But in this competitive perspective, people have past through different group of ages and later on would regret for not doing many things in the young, energetic level of age i.e in their twenties. I have some of the lists regarding things that people have to do at their twenties to create the best out of their own: Friends are all you need : With the passage of time people come and go from your life but the best ones always remain with you. Make sure you are in contact with your best buddies because they are the ones whom you need the most in difficult situations. Sometimes even to express to your family would be hard for you and "Look! friend, it happened................ Mistakes makes you learn deeper : Mistakes happen and its natural thing to have it. Because without making any mist...

Involve in Programming

Where to start programming? How to be involved in programming?  What programming might offer me? How do i learn the basics?..... These are the basic things that a newbie questions when they start programming. But for most others, they don't know programming. Programming is a art in computing that offers you the ability to make the computer work as you wish.  But if you wish to know more exact definition: Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation of algorithms in a target programming language. For programming, we require programming languages. These languages are like human languages except that they are used to communicate with computer i.e. these languages though are syntactically similar to the human readable form, they are ultimately converted to machine readable language. Further discussion about...